Book Ways - Lisbeth Zwerger

Lisbeth Zwerger Artist - Library Books

Lisbeth Zwerger is one of my favorite artists. Lisbeth Zwerger is an Austrian illustrator of children’s books best known for being a recipient of the Hans Christian Andersen Award due to her exemplary contribution to the field of children’s literature. Born on May 26, 1954, in Vienna, Zwerger studied at Vienna’s Applied Arts Academy from 1971 to 1974. Though she left before completing the course, her first illustrated book was published in 1977.  Zwerger has worked as a freelance picture book illustrator in Vienna, specializing in fairy tales and classic stories. Zwerger is considered one of the most accomplished illustrative artists in the current century.

Here are some of her books that I got from the library. A local patron donated a pile of her books to our library. I myself have owned a number of her books which are scattered about here and there. Another one of my favorites is her Gift of The Magi - this is the edition that we have. When I got married to my now husband - we each gave one another gifts on our wedding night. He gave me combs for my long hair and I gave him a pocket watch. We both love that story. Lisbeth Zwerger has many other books and art that you can find as well. I hope you’ll search a few out to enjoy. Sitting down with her books is a magical world filled with beauty and wonder.

The Nutcracker illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

Aesops Fables - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Selfish Giant - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Selfish Giant - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Canterville Ghost - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Canterville Ghost - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

Till Eulen Spiegel’s Merry Pranks - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

Till Eulen Spiegel’s Merry Pranks - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Legend of Rose Petal - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Legend of Rose Petal - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Legend of Rose Petal - Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

Lisbeth Zwerger has said that the most difficult task for her now is choosing material to illustrate; at first she gravitated toward childhood favorites, but later she tired of traditional fairy tale end­ings, which often seemed sexist or overly moral­istic. Her work has continued to be published in Austria; in addition, she is published in more than sixteen other countries, and her work has been exhibited worldwide. Zwerger has been honored several times at the Bologna Interna­tional Children’s Book Fair, at the Biennial of Il­lustrators at Bratislava, and by library organiza­tions and literary publications in the United States* She is among the best illustrative artists to have emerged in this century.

Home Diary Ways - Festive Tour
Before the ice is in the pools—
Before the skaters go,
Or any check at nightfall
Is tarnished by the snow—

Before the fields have finished,
Before the Christmas tree,
Wonder upon wonder
Will arrive to me!
— Emily Dickinson

The Farmers Daughter

Come on a full holiday season tour of The Farmers Daughter with me. A complete picture of all of the holiday decor to tempt you as well as give you inspiration for your own holiday decorating. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas time - does not matter. This festive season offers the simplest ideas from a tiny bell to hang on a nail in your home to full out fantasy decorating in the myriad of ways offered here. What I love about The Farmers Daughter is that each vignette sparks an imaginative scenario that one might carry out in your own particular home setting. A walk through of the seasonal delights is a bit like a museum of imagination. It always feels like a storybook trail - with a satisfied sigh at the end of the visit. I hope you enjoy your magical time here.

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

That concludes our festive tour of The Farmers Daughter. I hope you enjoyed your time here. Perhaps you found some inspiration or a simple idea to carry out in your own Home Place. I came away with two candles and a small little bell. It was just right. Thank you for walking with me…

Emily Dickinson Ways

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) did not see any of her almost 1,800 poems through the process of publication, but she did copy more than 1,100 poems in fair hand onto folded sheets of stationery, binding the majority of the sheets into the booklets Dickinson scholars call fascicles.

Although only a small minority of Dickinson’s manuscripts contain a large number of alternatives or revisions, her recurring use of this compositional, revising, or copying method suggests that at the very least she thought of her poems as always open to new formulations of her thought, or new thinking. In this she resembles her peer, Walt Whitman, who frequently revised poems for later publication. Dickinson’s variant versions of many of the poems she circulated also underline her sense of a poem’s fluidity. Writing a poem without alternatives in one copy did not prevent her from later recasting that poem in an equally stable but variant form. Dickinson’s alternatives resemble multiple performance options for a single production: variation is potentially unlimited, but when performing - in Dickinson’s case, reading a poem aloud or circulating a text to a friend - the artist chooses a single version.

Dickinson’s poems thus range along a continuum of resolution. Some scholars believe that Dickinson composed with attention not just to language but to the visual space of the page, and even to the kind shape of paper she chose to write on. They read a poem as a visual structure in which the slants of her dashes, the placement and shape of words and letters across the space of her writing surface , and the material characteristics of each scrap of paper or embossed stationery page all signify as elements of the poetry. Consequently each writing out of a set of words constitutes in effect a new poem.
Emily Dickinson's Poems: As She Preserved Them by Christanne Miller

Images of Dickinson’s poetry manuscripts are now available online in the Emily Dickinson Archive ( archive gives readers the opportunity to explore the ways Dickinson might have played, brilliantly with the space on a page or the shape or previous use of some reclaimed paper scraps.

Dickinson knew by heart much of the Bible and many poems by her favorite authors. In some of her poems she quotes such sources exactly, with or without quotation marks. More frequently, she alludes to or echoes other work.

Estranged from Beauty - none can be -
For Beauty is infinity -
And power to be finite ceased
Before identity was creased

Emily Dickinson’s Poems: As She Preserved Them by Christanne Miller

Poetry Ways - Artist Ways

Pamela Coleman Smith:The Untold Story by Greer, O’Connor, Parsons

Pamela Coleman Smith - The Untold Story

Today, I share the tapestry of a biography, a long hidden revelation titled Pamela Coleman Smith: The Untold Story, where prose and poetry waltz hand in hand, orchestrated by the soulful words of Mary Greer, Elizabeth Foley O’Connor, and Melinda Boyd Parsons.

As I read this comprehensive volume, I found myself whisked away to the sepia-tinted days of the early 1900s, an epoch tinged with artistic fervor and societal metamorphosis. The biography, akin to a spellbinding sonnet, paints the canvas of time with vibrant strokes, breathing life into Pamela's existence. The poetic biography of her life is a feast to savor slowly.

This narrative deftly unravels the tapestry of Pamela's talents, revealing her not merely as the artist behind the iconic Rider-Waite Tarot deck but as a poet, a playwright — a luminary of the arts. The artist’s art unfurl like tendrils, delicately tracing her journey through Bohemian enclaves, entwined with the shadows also present in Smith’s life. The authors wide ranging narrative is comprehensive while also being academically rich.

Within these pages, the biography unearths Pamela's spiritual world - a dance between mysticism and the esoteric. The author’s guide us through the labyrinth of Pamela’s soul's exploration, unveiling the symbiotic embrace between her spiritual sojourns and the kaleidoscopic symbolism that dances through her tarot canvases as well as her rich and varied other works of art.

Pamela emerges not only as an artist but as a phoenix, resilient against the tempests of a male-dominated artistic sea. Her struggles, a poignant melody, resonate through the narrative, echoing the spirit of a woman who dared to carve constellations in the night sky.

The author’s, interlace the narrative with epistolary sonnets, love letters from time, whispers of Pamela's soul painted onto the parchment of time. These artist works, woven like threads of gossamer, draw us into an intimate pas de deux with the enigmatic artist.

And what is a lyrical odyssey without a visual sonnet? The biography, a gallery of dreams, presents a myriad of visuals — a kaleidoscope of Pamela's artistry. Her illustrations, like verses in an ancient manuscript, unfold before our eyes, inviting us to revel in the intricacies of her creativity.

In summation, Pamela Coleman Smith: The Untold Story is not just a biography; it is a sonnet of ages, a melodic exploration of creativity, spirituality, and the uncharted seas of a woman's soul. So, adorn yourself in the cloak of anticipation, brew a cup of moonlit tea, and let the enchanting artistry of Pamela Coleman Smith fill your senses. This is a poetic journey whispered through the pages of time — an artists mapped journey - awaiting your eager steps.

Biography Work
I plan to write poetic pieces while reflecting on Coleman Smith’s life after reading this book and examining her art work. There are many creative ways to come to this work. One exercise might be to pick a tarot card and write prose or poetics - what this card brings to the surface for you. Try not to measure your writing in any way. Simply - write from a place of curious exploration. The influence of her art in The Tarot is immeasurable as a body of deep influence. Utilizing The Tarot in Biography work is a life long journey filled with rich imagery and inner reflections. Have you found resonance with The Tarot or Pamela Coleman Smith’s life body of work?

Artistic Ways - Biography Exercise

Gypsy Horse Farm

Here is a setting that you can work with in your personal biography work. I am using this beautiful horse farm as a canvas for you to explore in your own life story. Please feel free to substitute a setting that may be more in alignment with your own interests.

Exploring An Anthroposophical Biography Artistic Exercise: A Journey through the New England Horse Farm


Welcome to a unique exploration of anthroposophical biography artistic exercise, where we delve into the fascinating intersection of self-discovery and artistic expression. In this journey, we will use the picturesque backdrop of a New England Horse Farm to inspire our creativity and connect with the principles of anthroposophy.

Understanding Anthroposophical Biography Artistic Exercise

Anthroposophy, developed by Rudolf Steiner, emphasizes the integration of spirituality into all aspects of life, fostering personal growth and self-awareness. Biography artistic exercise is a method that combines visual arts, introspection, and storytelling to create a narrative of one's life journey.

Engaging with the New England Horse Farm

Imagine a sprawling landscape adorned with rolling hills, rustic barns, and the graceful presence of horses. The New England Horse Farm serves as our canvas and muse, inviting us to immerse ourselves in the ebb and flow of nature, animals, and the interconnectedness of life.

Step 1: Observation and Reflection

Begin your artistic exercise by spending time at the horse farm. Observe the horses in their natural environment, paying attention to their movements, expressions, and the overall energy of the surroundings. Reflect on your own life journey, drawing parallels between the equestrian world and your personal experiences.

Step 2: Capturing the Essence through Art

Armed with your observations, express your reflections through art. This could be through drawing, painting, or any medium that resonates with you. Capture the essence of your experiences, using the horses and the farm as symbolic elements in your artistic expression.

Step 3: Storytelling and Anthroposophical Biography Work

Now, weave your artistic creation into a narrative that mirrors the stages of your life. Draw inspiration from anthroposophical principles, exploring the spiritual aspects of your journey, the challenges you've overcome, and the wisdom gained along the way. Consider the cycles of nature and how they mirror the cycles of your own existence.

Step 4: Sharing and Connecting

The beauty of biography artistic exercise lies in its capacity to foster connection. Share your creation with others, whether through a journal, a gallery exhibition, or a simple gathering with friends. Invite others to share their interpretations and experiences, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding.


Embarking on a biography artistic exercise at a New England Horse Farm offers a unique and enriching experience. By intertwining the natural beauty of the surroundings with the principles of anthroposophy, we create a profound and meaningful exploration of our life journey. Through art, reflection, and shared stories, we find connection and inspiration, nurturing both our individual growth and our sense of collective humanity.

This horse farm is one I drive by often throughout the year. It is a beautiful farm in all the seasons. These unique horses are usually out grazing in the field. During this time of year with the wreath on the barn door is especially picturesque.

One can ascend to a higher development only by bringing rhythm and repetition into one’s life. Rhythm holds sway in all nature. All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.
— Rudolf Steiner
Book Ways - A River Enchanted

A River Enchanted

I am currently listening to A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross. It is lush and beautiful! The narrator is Ruth Urquhart a Scottish Voice Actor. The beautiful voice of Ruth Urquhart makes this story come so alive. I can’t imagine reading this another way. I am carried away and on the Isle of Cadence. So far - this book is simply a wonderful journey into a magical land.

There is a second book in this Elements of Cadence Duology called A Fire Endless. A continuation of the story…

House of Earth and Blood meets The Witch’s Heart in Rebecca Ross’s brilliant first adult fantasy, set on the magical isle of Cadence where two childhood enemies must team up to discover why girls are going missing from their clan.

Jack Tamerlaine hasn’t stepped foot on Cadence in ten long years, content to study music at the mainland university. But when young girls start disappearing from the isle, Jack is summoned home to help find them. Enchantments run deep on Cadence: gossip is carried by the wind, plaid shawls can be as strong as armor, and the smallest cut of a knife can instill fathomless fear. The capricious spirits that rule the isle by fire, water, earth, and wind find mirth in the lives of the humans who call the land home. Adaira, heiress of the east and Jack’s childhood enemy, knows the spirits only answer to a bard’s music, and she hopes Jack can draw them forth by song, enticing them to return the missing girls.

As Jack and Adaira reluctantly work together, they find they make better allies than rivals as their partnership turns into something more. But with each passing song, it becomes apparent the trouble with the spirits is far more sinister than they first expected, and an older, darker secret about Cadence lurks beneath the surface, threatening to undo them all.

With unforgettable characters, a fast-paced plot, and compelling world building, A River Enchanted is a stirring story of duty, love, and the power of true partnership, and marks Rebecca Ross’s brilliant entry on the adult fantasy stage.
From Rebecca Ross’s

A River Enchanted Playlist On Spotify